Grand Master – Paul A. Weglage
Grand Master’s Message to the Brethren
It has been a very distinct honor and privilege to serve the Brethren of Ohio and this Grand Lodge. October is the Annual Communication for Grand Lodge of Ohio and much planning has taken place to prepare for this annual event. I would like to thank my family, especially my wife, Karen, all the friends I have met along the way, as well as Millennium Lodge No. 779. Also, the Brethren of the great State of Ohio for their support over the years while I was on this journey of a lifetime. Thank you so very much.
Fall is an exciting time for the lodges as they reopen their doors to brethren and welcome them to continue their Masonic Journey. Renewing friendships of brotherly love, catching up on travels over the summer, and planning for the upcoming masonic year are all things on the minds of the returning brethren.
Freemasonry is on the verge of prospering big time. A survey completed by the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction has confirmed that our younger generation is looking for the exact things we have to offer. Just a few of these are a sense of belonging, brotherly connections and community service. All of these are some of the missing things in their life. Masonry offers those and much, much more to this generation.
Our lodges are receiving electronic referrals from the marketing campaigns of Grand Lodge, Scottish Rite and Shrine. These referrals need to be contacted sooner than later to answer the questions the prospects may have about our fraternity. We need to invite these men to a social event at the lodge to get to know them better. I’m confident they will want to join in the fellowship of the lodge after their visit.
During the month of April 2024, I am asking the lodges to hold an Open House to promote themselves in their communities. This event can be scheduled anytime during the month to accommodate the Lodge’s calendar. Inviting the community into our lodges will show we are not the “secret society” some people preach, but a warm and friendly community center that should be an inviting place for people to gather and enjoy being together.
Karen and I are encouraging support of the Childrens Dyslexia Learning Centers in Ohio. These learning centers help change lives by teaching students in need the proper techniques to learn to read and understand what those little black marks are on the page. Help us impact the children of Ohio by giving them the confidence and self-esteem to succeed. Help us put smiles on their faces when they realize they can learn and that they are not “stupid.” These students need our help and financial support.
We should continue to offer fraternal support and assistance to Masonic Brethren in times of need, thus upholding the Masonic tradition of Brotherly Love and Relief. By staying true to its principles while adapting to the changing world, Freemasonry can continue to maintain its honor and dignity in today’s society.
Thank you,
Paul A. Weglage
Grand Master
Grand Lodge of Ohio
To learn more about Grand Master Paul A. Weglage, we invite you to read his bio.