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Ohio FreemasonryHistoryCharity

A Message from the Grand Master: The Close of a Masonic Year and New Beginnings Ahead

Our Annual Communication is quickly approaching. On October 15th, we are ready to elect new officers, discuss upcoming legislation, and put in the work of our fraternity. Grand Master Richard A. Dickerscheid shares a message with the Masons of Ohio, celebrating a year of work as we look forward to another year of ‘Using the Tools’ to make the world a better place.

Brethren All,

The Sun is at high-twelve, and it is truly beautiful and glorious! I hope you are happy and healthy after the “dark” winter & spring we experienced. There are many things to do. Please return to your Lodge where your Officers are excited to be back at labor. They need your help and support.

We are fortunate to still have many men inquire about our organization, but we need to answer their alarm. It is my recommendation that we guard our gates by supplementing your Lodge investigation process for these inquiries using the new background check offered by the Grand Lodge of Ohio. I feel this should be implemented as a Lodge policy for all applicants, further protecting our institution.

This past year, we introduced our “Grand Master Traveling Masonic Roadshow” online events. With the necessity of virtual meetings, the Education Committee helped me bring this new means of communication to brethren to ensure we continued to support our mission and Brotherhood in these tumultuous times. This project was and continues to be a resounding success! I hope you had the opportunity to view one or many of these events but, if not, they are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month and we’d love to see you online; visit your Grand View Portal, select Resources and look for “Video Library” for past programs. Information on new programs will be shared through social media.

Your Grand Lodge Officers are looking forward to a full, in-person Annual Communication on October 15, to be held at the Sharonville Convention Center, just North of Cincinnati. We will livestream both the session and the installation of the new Grand Lodge Officers to members who can authenticate through our Grand View Portal with the following exception.

It is still required that your Lodge must be represented in-person in Cincinnati. The Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens or their proxies are required by Charter to attend in person. Attending  via the livestream is a great option for all our other members whose attendance is not required. Make sure you are signed up at the Grand View Portal and have access!

In January, we were determined to make this year a fun one, and in doing so we made several trips to each of the 25 districts for many types of events. I said to myself “since I cannot travel outside our jurisdiction, I will use my time traveling in it”! That, I have to say, was the best decision I made.

It has truly been an honor to serve you this year. The night I was voted “proficient” in 2003, I became an “elder statesman of the Lodge” by being elected to trustee of my home Lodge, College Hill – Harry S. Johnson No. 641. I never dreamed that I would be elected to serve as Grand Master in a short 17 years. It is my hope that my service to our fraternity has been viewed with approval so far, and may God bless you, our Fraternity, and the United States of America.

See you at Grand Lodge!


Richard A. Dickerscheid

Grand Master