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NewsOhio Freemasonry

A Conversation with Steven Grindle – Q&A Part 1

Most Worshipful Brother Steven Grindle
Most Worshipful Brother Steven Grindle

Congrats on becoming the new GM! What are you most looking forward to this year?

I’m most looking forward to getting to visit the entire state of Ohio and visit with the Brethren. 

How does it feel to become Grand Master and lead Ohio Masonry?

It feels awesome – it’s something that few get to experience but it is an outstanding experience.

Tell us about your focus for the year. Why is this important to you? 

My focus for the year is Building Brotherhood and it’s important because that’s what drew me to Masonry – the brotherhood aspect and the fraternal aspect. I think to some degree we have moved away from that and we need to bring that back into Lodges and bring that back to the Brethren. We get focused on different things – whether we’re doing the ritual right, whether we’re bringing in new members, whatever it is we’re focused on and to some degree we forget that we’re a fraternal organization and that we’re supposed to have fun and enjoy being around each other and experiencing that brotherhood. So, I really want the Masons of Ohio to focus on the brotherhood experience.

What programs/ events are you planning to support your focus (open houses)?

We’re planning an Open House in April of 2023 and we’re encouraging all the Brotherhood to get involved in that. The Open Houses are an opportunity for the public to come in and see what’s in the Masonic Lodge that they never get to see and ask questions – to find out what Lodge is all about and what our fraternity is all about. Also, through the Grand Master’s Award, we are encouraging different activities such as Fellowship Night where brothers get together and have fun. Think something like a game night or going out to a local ball game or having a chili cook-off, or even just bonding together at the Lodge. Another thing I’d like to do is get the ladies involved by doing a Ladies of the Table event. I’d like to do a Table Lodge event so it can be based in our ritual but it’s also a fun event you can do at the Lodge while also enjoying a meal altogether. There’s lots of different events that the brethren of Ohio can use to enhance that brotherhood experience and to really build those connections with each other.

What from your personal and/or professional life will you bring to this leadership position?

From my professional life I bring that I have been in a leadership role in the Credit Union movement for 26 years. I’ve worked in the Credit Union movement for 37 years but have been in a leadership role as Champion’s CEO for 26 of those years. I’ve served on various committees and boards through work so I’m involved in leadership and have experienced that role for many years. Personally, I serve on the Browning Board so I’m involved in a leadership role at the Ohio Masonic Home and then of course at the Grand Lodge level. I’ve also served in leadership at my local lodge as well as District Deputy as a Grand Lodge officer and now Grand Master. All of these experiences have prepared me to serve in that role and I hope that I’m able to live up to what the brethren of Ohio want and would expect from a leader.
Want to learn more about Most Worshipful Brother Steven Grindle? Read his full bio on our website.