Why is there a Bible in the lodge?

Around the world, every regular grand lodge requires that there be a Bible or other sacred book–often referred to as the Volume of Sacred Law–in the lodge room. The choice of a holy book may be based upon the predominant faith of the country where the lodge meets, the particular religious belief of the candidate who is participating in a lodge ceremony, or some other practice of the grand lodge in question. Ohio is a member of the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North American, and the volume of sacred law is defined as an indispensable part of the furniture of the lodge.

From the standpoint of Masonic principles and teachings, there is no such thing as a Masonic Bible. Over the years, many publishers have produced and marketed versions of the Bible with added content in introductions that refers to Masonic ceremonies. Such versions often include illustrations of King Solomon’s Temple, for example. None of these versions is approved by the Grand Lodge. They are the work of private companies.

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