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NewsOhio Freemasonry

The Grand Lodge of Ohio Florida Reception

A few weeks ago, Grand Master Jess N. Raines and Masonic Home CEO Scott Buchanan packed their bags and headed to Sarasota to visit with Ohio Brethren at three luncheon Florida receptions. From January 21 – 23, both men traveled around the sunshine state from Sarasota to Fort Myers to report on the latest news on Ohio Freemasonry.  

Over 225 Masons, their wives and other guests met at these luncheons to honor Masons that received their 50, 60 and higher year awards. They also heard about plans for the future of Freemasonry in Ohio such as the Faces of Ohio campaign and the newly designed Grand Lodge website. It was a great time meeting with fellow Brothers, making new friends, and creating long lasting connections.

The 3-day Florida reception event was subsidized by the Ohio Masonic Home and CEO Scott Buchanan made sure to address happenings and important updates about the facility. Smiles and conversation were abundant throughout the fews days and everyone who attended the events left with a renewed spirit and excitement for the future of Ohio Freemasonry.

Did you attend this past year’s Florida Reception? If so, let us know what you thought here.