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Ohio FreemasonryCharity

Here’s How These Ohio Masons Are Stepping Into the Light in 2020

The new year brings with it an opportunity to reflect on habits and behaviors of the past and resolve to take care of ourselves, our families and communities in ways that are more impactful. MWB Keith Newton reflected on this during our Grand Lodge Annual Communication in October and shared with us his plans to help Ohio Freemasonry to Step Into the Light. For him, this means encouraging each of us to live our charter, make Masons, and care for our Brethren, widows, and orphans. While the values of Freemasonry never change, our ways of embodying and sharing them are constantly being adapted and shaped for the world and the time in which we live.

We asked our fellow Ohio brothers what their resolutions for the new year are, and how they plan to Step Into the Light in 2020. Here’s what they had to say.

Bro. Dan McClure, Bridgeport # 181, Mason for 4 years.

“My New Years’ resolution is to improve my self every day as a man, Mason, and father so that I can be a better role model for my son, my lodge and my community.”

Bro. Bob Woofter, Old Erie # 3, Mason for 30 years.

“‘Step into the Light’ is a goal I personally take extremely seriously. It’s my view that that must happen all the more for our future. Look for other community projects coming from Cortland lodge. I am deeply grateful for our Grand Master’s support and look for more of it from Grand Lodge.”

Bro. Joshua Grove, Victory # 649,  Mason for 13 years.

“To do at least one good deed for someone I don’t know well every day. (Matthew 5:16)”

Bro. Bob Sulia, Medina # 58, Mason for 10 years.

“Ask not what your Lodge can do for you but, ask what you can do for your lodge. Step into the Light. Take your oath to heart and make a contribution that keeps your Lodge Great.”

What are your goals for the year ahead? How does your lodge plan to follow along with WMB Netwon’s plan to Step Into the Light? Share your thoughts with us via email at