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Ohio FreemasonryCharity

How Our Grand Lodge Scholarship Helps Seniors Succeed

One of the main pillars of Ohio Freemasonry is our commitment to our communities and to give back to the next generation. This takes shape in many forms, including scholarship opportunities for young adults to succeed in their college journeys. Scholarships from the Grand Lodge of Ohio Charitable Foundation are distributed to a young man and young woman in each of Ohio’s twenty-five districts. We got the chance to chat with one of our recent recipients, Brock Woodworth, to learn about how the scholarship helped him. 

Do you know a high school senior that would qualify for our scholarship? Share our application with them.

How did you hear about the Grand Lodge of Ohio’s Scholarship?

My father, who is a member of Cleveland Lodge #781, mentioned the scholarship to me and suggested I apply. I also heard about it from many of my DeMolay advisors in the Denbrook Chapter. I’m also lucky to now be a member of Cleveland Lodge #781 with my father.

How has the scholarship helped you in your college career?

This scholarship has helped me pay for rooming and board at Cleveland State University. When I was applying for college I wanted to go somewhere close as I still needed to come home often. But, I still wanted to have the full college experience and live in the dorm. So, this scholarship along with others helped me pay to live down there.

What have you learned about yourself and responsibility in your first half of college?

The first thing I learned is that it was nothing like high school. I learned that time management and self-responsibility are the most important things you have to control in order to be successful. 

How are you living out the core values of Freemasonry while at college? 

I try to live by the core values of Freemasonry (Integrity, Friendship, Respect, and Charity) and the precepts of DeMolay each and every day. I try to apply the core values in every decision I make in all my aspects of life.

What is your advice to this year’s applicants for the GM scholarship?

My advice is to stay true to yourself and don’t let anyone change that.