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Ohio Freemasonry

Interview with Tyler Hawk

You might recognize Tyler Hawk, pictured above, from our This Is Ohio Freemason Campaign, which premiered this past fall. Shown proudly standing on his farm clad in a plaid shirt and a large grin in his Grand Lodge of Ohio feature – is it clear that Tyler is anything but run-of-the-mill? He is a jack of all trades; a grain farmer and Executive Director for a Senior Living facility by day, a musician by night, and a member of Ohio Freemasonry.

We recently sat down with Tyler and got the chance to speak with him about his time as a Freemason, what Masonic values mean to him, and the importance of Brotherhood in his daily life.

Town: Kansas, Ohio

Lodge: Fostoria Lodge #288

Year I joined Freemasonry: 2007

Profession: Senior Living Executive Director and Farmer

How did you join/want to join Ohio Freemasonry?

My grandfather and my father are Masons. I had always looked up to them and wanted to be involved in whatever they were interested in.

What does Freemasonry mean to you?

Freemasonry means a lifelong connection with a group of men of similar interest and values. A support system of brethren who will do whatever they can to help in any situation.

How do you incorporate Masonic values into everyday life? By practicing brotherly love, relief and truth in all areas of life. I try my best to treat everyone the way I would want to be treated with respect and compassion.

What is your favorite thing to do with your Brothers? I enjoy the blue lodge ritual work and giving the Master Mason lecture. I also enjoy any social setting with the group and getting to know their families.

What is one piece of advice you would give to a new Mason?

Stay involved. When work and life get so busy, find a way to stay involved in keeping the local lodges active. Even if this means volunteering once a month at a function, or taking part in a degree; continue to learn, continue to assist, and continue to support.

Do you know of a fellow Mason who would make for a great blog post? Let us know here.