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NewsOhio Freemasonry

Interview with Del Braund

As Freemasons, we are always seeking the betterment of ourselves, our communities, and our world as a whole. This is especially true of the exuberant and purposeful, Del Braund, fellow Freemason and past This Is Ohio Freemasonry featured Brother. You might have seen his picture on our social channels, website or even on a billboard in Ohio and now is your chance to learn more about him: why he joined the fraternity and what it means to him. Q and A below:

Name: Del Braund PM

Town: Brookville, Ohio

Lodge: Brookville 596,  in the 2nd Masonic District

I’ve been a Freemason for: 34 years

Profession: Retired Law Enforcement
How did you join/want to join Freemasonry?

Family…My Dad, his twin, and my Great Uncle on mom’s side were all Masons over 60 yrs. each.  Growing up, I saw their Masonic rings and Dad’s book, and always wondered what the hush was all about.

What does Ohio Freemasonry mean to you?

Recently interviewed Brother Cliff Nicol, said almost word for word what my response is.  “Freemasonry has afforded me the opportunity to expand my friendship with men throughout the world, who under circumstances our paths would have never crossed.”  I, could not have put it better. I have met and become close friends with men of several countries, knowing we share common values. A few of these chance meetings have changed my life forever by the acts of kindness, hospitality, and sometimes humbling accolades which have been bestowed in Scotland.

How did it feel to be chosen for the “Faces of Ohio” campaign shoot?

Embarrassed at first, completely humbled, and yes, kidded by Brothers as  wanting an autograph as their celebrity Brother.. I stopped in Grand Lodge one day to show them a beautiful Apron from St. Andrews Scotland.  I was asked to have a seat while a large file was pulled out. Being the Secretary of my Lodge at the time and retired law enforcement, I first feared I was in the Principal’s office, only to hear a couple minute run down of this campaign.  I was then told of the intent to incorporate me as one of the five. My first reaction was if they had another guy who wanted to, it wouldn’t hurt my feelings. And besides, I would rib any of my friends on a billboard. My challenge now is to live up to the hype as a good ambassador, and remind every Mason that every one of us is an Ambassador…every day.         

How do you incorporate Masonic Values into everyday life?

Each day I try and live up to the hundreds of years, “Code,” to be a good man, citizen, and Freemason.  A man of good reputation…

What is your favorite thing to do with your Brothers?

Masonry is a very dear passion to me and I love to “Talk Shop,” and share our common and individual experiences.  I have been blessed and so fortunate to meet truly inspiring Masons from every walk of life. Creating a top 10 moments of Freemasonry in my life would be difficult.  I also enjoy conversations with Non-Masons answering questions as I can, trying to represent us.

What is one piece of advice you would give to a new Mason?

When you become a Freemason, don’t just go through the degrees and be one…ask questions of mentors and seek to understand why certain things have purpose. Seek knowledge into the traditions and history of the Order.  Understand you are the one man someone in the world thinks of, when they think of Freemasonry. “Be not just a man…a Mason.”

Get to know the many faces of Ohio Freemasonry.