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This year, First Lady Jane-Anne Grindle chose Masonic Youth Groups as her charitable focus. We’ve been interviewing members and leaders from each of the three groups to learn about their mission, their impact, and what makes them special. In our new interview we talked to Charlotte, the Job’s Daughters Grand Bethel Honored queen to discuss how this unique group of young women is making a difference. Read our full conversation below and make sure to visit our website to learn more about this charitable initiative.

Image of Job’s Daughters members
This year’s Job’s Daughters Grand Bethel

Tell us about Job’s Daughters. 

Job’s Daughters is a Masonic Youth Group for girls ages 10-20 that inspires and teaches confidence, public speaking, leadership skills, and other fundamental qualities that help shape our members into refined, productive adults. 

How did you get involved with Job’s Daughters? 

My mom was a Daughter in her youth, and continued to stay active after she reached Majority age. When I was little, I wondered what took Mom away for a few hours every other Sunday, and why I couldn’t go, too. So I asked her if I could join her, and she took me to my first Jobie-to-Bee meeting when I was 4. I’ve been hooked since.  

What is your role within the organization? 

Currently I am serving my Bethel (Bethel #49, Warren) as Guide, and I am serving the Grand Bethel of Ohio as the Grand Bethel Honored Queen. 

Image of Job’s Daughters members & family
This year’s Job’s Daughters Grand Family

Tell us a little about your experience with JD. 

Everyone is always smiling! If I’m ever having a bad day, all I have to do is look to one of my fellow Sisters or Guardians, and there is always someone there to help cheer me up and lend a helping hand. 

We know the mission of Job’s Daughters’ is as follows: 

Job’s Daughters’ mission is to create confident young women, respect tradition, and shape the future. Our members learn invaluable skills that increase their confidence and prepare them to lead. We teach girls to use their voice. 

Can you talk a little bit more about this. How does JD fulfill this mission?

As for traditions, we do wear white Grecian robes as Daughters have since Job’s Daughters was founded in 1920. This is important to us because they represent what women wore in the biblical time of Job. Also, they represent equality, which reminds us that we all hold the same importance in life. 

The organization itself is very Daughter oriented. While the adults provide guidance, it is the Daughters who lead the meetings, make decisions, what fun events to host, and how to run our organization. If we see something that we feel could be improved or changed, we are always encouraged to voice our opinions, write amendments, and seek out the best solutions to any problems that may occur. 

Why do you think this mission is so important? 

The mission and why we work so hard to uphold it is what leads the Daughters to find their inner confidence and voice. Encouraging us to make our own decisions, while still providing a sense of guidance teaches us how to overcome adversaries with a level head in order to make the best decision for all. 

Tell us about your chosen service project and why it was selected as the charitable focus this year. 

My service project this year is the Sarcoma Foundation of America. I chose this project because of a classmate who suffered greatly from sarcoma when we were younger. I was inspired by her courageousness and perseverance through such a difficult time in her life and wanted to acknowledge that.  

Image of girl with hot cocoa
Charlotte and her extra whipped cream

What is your favorite memory or experience since becoming part of Job’s Daughters? 

I have no idea how to even begin to choose! Is it when my name got called as Grand Bethel Honored Queen? Is it the time the Associate Grand Guardian jokingly told a Cracker Barrel waitress that I wanted extra whipped cream on my hot chocolate, and I ended up with more whipped cream than hot chocolate? How about the number of times my cat has tried to stowaway with us to various events? Oh! Making TikTok videos with other Masonic Youth leaders like Chrissy and Josiah! 

In all honesty, I think my favorite memory is from my Installation as Honored Queen when my mom was my Installing Officer, and she almost cried saying, “You will cause the Honored Queen to kneel at the altar and place her hands on the open Holy Bible.” But, the happiest memory I have is thinking about all of the sisters I have gained since joining Job’s Daughters! 

Can you share any upcoming events? 

Absolutely! On February 11th, we are having a Spoons tournament at the Wadsworth Masonic Temple to help raise money for new Grand Bethel Capes. The time is 1:30-6:00 pm, and the cost is $10. This covers registration and a spaghetti dinner. 

  • March 5th at 2:00pm is our Columbus Bethels’ joint-Official Visit followed by our Ohio Miss Job’s Daughter/Ohio Miss Congeniality’s Reception at Bethel 71 in Groveport. 
  • March 12th is our Cincinnati Bethels’ joint-Official Visit at Bethel 12 in Norwood at 2pm. 
  • April 16th at 2pm is Bethel #66’s Official Visit in North Coast followed by our Grand Guardian and Associate Grand Guardian’s Reception. 
  • April 22nd at 7pm is our Ohio Miss Job’s Daughters Pageant at the Aladdin Shrine in Columbus. 
  • April 30th is our NEOhio Bethels’ joint-Official Visit followed by our Grand Bethel Honored Queen’s Reception at Bethel #49 in Warren. 

Check out our online calendar for more information on these events!

Is there anything else you’d like to share? 

If you have any young female family members that you think would be interested in Job’s Daughters, please feel free to reach out! We are growing like crazy this year, and having a ton of fun in the process! You can visit our website at to find the nearest Bethel to you.

Want to read more about our other Masonic Youth Groups? Read our interviews with Ohio Rainbow Girls and Ohio DeMolay!