Can any man become a Mason?
No. Masons are revered as men of high esteem and of good character, men of high moral standards and charitable by their actions in supporting their fellow brothers and those in need in the community. If you feel you are one of these men of integrity, there are two choices, the Grand Lodge of Ohio and the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio. The latter is a historically black Masonic organization formed at a time in American’s history of racial division when racial integration was not welcomed.
For many years, however, both grand lodges have worked in harmony with mutual fraternal recognition. Each continues to move toward unified goals by building character and guiding men to become better through the principles of faith, hope and charity. They operate on the same principles of mainstream society and continue to support the communities in which they live. Both have a legitimate place. Both are open to good men of faith and character, regardless of race.
Learn more about the Grand Lodge of Ohio and Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio.