What are the core values of the Grand Lodge of Ohio?
Freemasonry is a values-based organization. The great books of nature and revelation are to guide our thoughts and actions, and a Volume of Sacred Law must be present at every lodge meeting. Thus, both the works of man and the inspired works of faith should inform and enlighten our values.
Masons speak of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth, and these basic tenets include equality, brotherhood, charity, and an inspired understanding of right and wrong in life.
Masons observe and practice the Cardinal Virtues of temperance, fortitude, prudence, and justice, which today are more commonly thought of as self-discipline, courage, reason, and justice.
Freemasonry teaches the Theological Virtues of faith, hope, and charity–faith in a Supreme Being, hope in the immortality of the spirit, and charity or love for all humanity.
Masons also place a high value on merit or excellence. Masters of Masonic lodges cannot inherit or purchase their positions; they earn them by attaining knowledge, demonstrating proficiency, and serving the lodge and his brother Masons. This respect for merit extends to actions and activities beyond the lodge.
Courtesy is a value prized by Masons. It is a basic trust that defines Masonic relationships. In society, courtesy at the individual level expands to become civility and good citizenship.