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Local Ohio Masons Honor Fire Auxiliary

This year marks 25 years of dedicated service the Beavercreek Township Fire Department’s Auxiliary has given to its community. While the pandemic put the formal celebration on hold, the Brothers of Beavercreek Lodge #753 stepped in to show their appreciation.

Beavercreek Lodge #753 officers and members of the Beavercreek Township Fire Department Auxiliary
Beavercreek Lodge #753 officers and members of the Beavercreek Township Fire Department Auxiliary

The hard toll 2020 has taken on event planning didn’t stop in Beavercreek, Ohio. Like most events this year, the activities Beavercreek Township Fire Department’s Auxiliary had planned to celebrate the anniversary of dedicated service were put on hold. However, just miles away, the Brothers of Beavercreek Lodge #753 extended a hand to salvage the much-deserved acknowledgement of these heroic community members.  

For centuries, Auxiliary fire departments like Beavercreek, composed mainly of local volunteer firefighters, have given back to their communities with their fire, accident, and natural disaster prevention services. For Beavercreek, this year marked the Auxiliary’s 25th anniversary of service, and the Masons of Beavercreek Lodge #753 of the 8th District wanted to make sure the throes of the pandemic didn’t interfere with the celebration of this significant milestone. Knowing the Auxiliary’s initial celebration plans were halted, the Masons hosted an outdoor picnic at the local Hawker United Church of Christ to honor these noble volunteers. 

The afternoon consisted of acknowledgement and reward, with Masons paying their respects to the local heroes. Worshipful Master Steve Scarpelli proudly presented the organization as a whole with the Community Builder’s Award, a prestigious award given by local lodges to a member or members of a community for their volunteer work. In addition to the award, each volunteer was given a certificate to emphasize the lodge’s gratitude. Worshipful Master Scarpelli saluted the Auxiliary members for their years of devotion to providing logistical support for firefighters, creating social events for families, supporting search-and rescues, giving on-site assistance to victims of fires, accidents, and natural disasters, and much more.

Worshipful Master Steve Scarpelli presents the Community Builder’s Award to Brother Steve Hone and his wife, Kate.
Worshipful Master Steve Scarpelli presents the Community Builder’s Award to Brother Steve Hone and his wife, Kate. Steve is a 50-year member of Cherrydale-Columbia Lodge No. 42 in Arlington, Virginia. Kate is the Coordinator of the 55-member Fire Department Auxiliary.

Individuals, families, and communities have all been affected by COVID-19 and other hardships 2020 has brought. There are countless hard-working men and women in each and every corner of Ohio who selflessly offer up their time and resources without expecting anything in return. A sincere thank you to first responders, volunteers, and others who have quietly and selflessly put the needs of others before their own during these challenging times.

The Grand Lodge of Ohio thanks Brother Dave Williamson of Beavercreek Lodge #753 for sharing this story.

Learn more about local charity efforts around the state, starting with the efforts of J.B. Covert Lodge.

Brethren, has your local lodge granted the Community Builder’s Award to a deserving member or members of your community? Share your story with us by emailing