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NewsOhio Freemasonry

2020 Grand Master’s Class Schedule

The Grand Lodge of Ohio is excited to announce their 2020 Grand Master’s Class Schedule, brought to you by Grand Master Keith W. Newton.

This year’s Grand Master’s Class will present the three degrees, diving into Masonic identity and ritual with the goal of creating a new class of Master Masons. We want anyone interested in joining Freemasonry to be aware of this special opportunity, which can open their heart and mind to the traditions and values of the fraternity and start them on their Masonic journey.


Today, busy schedules and hectic work weeks prevent prospective members from joining Freemasonry. With work and family as priorities, it can be difficult to justify setting aside large chunks of time for degree dates, Lodge meetings and activities. As Masons, we know that ritual and Masonic teachings only enhance these aspects of life, but we also know that prospective members don’t have the benefit of knowing this. For them, Freemasonry is a mystery. Therefore, we wanted to find a middle ground that provides individuals interested in Freemasonry that have time constraints an opportunity to join the fraternity. We believe that once they experience the three degrees, they will find a lifetime of value in the lessons, actions, and fellowship that comes with fraternity.

“Becoming a Master Mason is more about what is in your heart than how you take the first step and knock on the door. Today, about 1 in 6 Ohio Master Masons in good standing joined the organization through a Grand Master’s class. And the retention rate after five years is essentially the same whether a man starts in an individual ceremony, a multi-candidate ceremony, or a Grand Master’s class. We have Brothers, Lodge Officers, Worshipful Masters, District Education Officers, District Deputies, and Grand Lodge Officers who began their Masonic journeys in Grand Master’s Classes. If they belong to a Lodge with caring brothers who mentor them well, then they will know and understand how to live and act as Masons have done for hundreds of years.” – Doug Kaylor, PGM

With Grand Master’s classes, we aim to provide the opportunity to ensure that all new members begin their path to enlightenment on the right foot. As Ohio Freemasons, it is our goal to uphold the values of Brotherly love, relief, and truth.


Classes will be held on:

May 2nd, 9th and June 6th, 2020

Looking to learn more about Ohio Freemasonry? Read our educational blog on the History of Freemasonry in Ohio.