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NewsOhio Freemasonry

Upcoming DGM Rollout Presentations Cancelled, Moved Online

To All Ohio Freemasons,

Deputy Grand Master Dickerscheid’s previously scheduled rollout presentations for 2021 Grand Lodge initiatives have been cancelled. In the best interest of Ohio Freemasonry, RWB Dickerscheid has elected to cancel these presentations and will be recording and sharing them on video through the Grand View member portal in the coming weeks.

This was not a decision Bro. Dickerscheid took lightly. With the group size typically attending these presentations, they would not meet the public gathering guidelines set forth by the state of Ohio. 

All the information will be made available privately and securely through the Grand View member portal. If you are an Ohio Freemason and do not yet have a Grand View account, please refer to our step-by-step guide to create one. More information will be shared regarding this matter soon.